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"I cried every day he came home, because he didn’t want to leave.  

He refers to Caroline, Kristen, and Sue (I think that’s her name) as his best friends.  He can’t talk about camp without crying.  It had the much of an impact on him.  Next year, come hell or high water, if they offer the camp, I’m going to stay overnight. I cannot thank you ENOUGH for referring us to the program.  It was magical

"I absolutely love these people. They made one of my stays at the Children's Inn the best ever and I've been going to 16 years."
"Grateful for the time I got to spend with other Special Needs moms this week...sharing experiences, resources, heartaches & triumphs. We walk this journey together. We fight for our kids, pray for acceptance by their peers & move mountains so our kids can make even the smallest bit of progress. (which isn't so small) . People always ask how we do what we do. We cry, eat, scream, pray, put one foot in front of the other, but most of all we lean on each other. Grateful.❤️"
"Today was different challenges for kids, activities, swimming & a MOBILE Gaming bus!
Very cool!
Kids loved it! So glad my girls are just a cabin or 2 away...❤️"

"The whole school year was so negative and we have had to fight for everything and you feel so beat down emotionally. Coming to camp is an emotional rescue! First moment we were there you showed me that you get my son and that you love him the way he is. You don't ask him to be something he's not. That's a life savor being thrown to you after a horrific storm. We appreciate all you do."
"Camp Moki has been on my radar for a while, after a friend went with her family last year and had an amazing time, so I was excited that this year’s dates worked with our schedule. Although it’s always tough traveling and doing new activities when you have a kid with special needs, Moki was SUCH a great experience overall.
It was a safe expansion of our regular village, as parents would watch out for your kids and you would watch out for theirs, in a place where everyone “gets it”. I drove to Lake George not knowing if we’d last one night, but we didn’t go home until the regularly scheduled fourth day.
My boys and I made new friends and reconnected with familiar ones, we loved doing activities with the group and getting some free time too.
We can’t wait till next year!!”
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